Catholic Health Commission
This is a commission under the Diocesan Social Cervices Directorate that mainly coordinates the provision of health services in the diocese. Its establishment was premised on the need to continue the holistic ministry of Christ through provision of curative, rehabilitative, educational and preventive programs that ensure quality and affordable health services.
Healthy people assisted by a Holy Spirit filled family of God committed to the provision of equitable, sustainable and quality health care for all regardless of gender, race, color and religion.
To continue the Healing Ministry of Christ through the promotion of human life, the provision of preventive, curative and rehabilitative services in a holistic manner, through participation in collaborative networks and partnerships, in accordance with the needs and capacities of the communities, and in line with Catholic core values and principles.
To coordinate the health services and programmes implemented by the Church.
Currently, the CAHECOM is implementing three projects as explained below;
- Tuberculosis Community prevention, care and Delivery program.
Impact area: Mangochi and Nsanje District.
Donor: Funded by Global Fund through Action Aid Malawi and coordinated by the ECM
Project duration: July 2018 to December 2020.
Project Summary:
Impact area: Mangochi and Nsanje
Donor: funded by USAID through JHPIEGO.
Project Duration: March 2020-September 2024
Project Summary: The project supports health institutions as well as communities in a bid to suppress the further spread of HIV/AIDS through intensifying voluntary medical male circumcision. It in this case, EMPOWER complements Malawi government’s quest to build a society of healthy Malawians who are able to contribute effectively towards national development
- Ana Patsogolo
Impact area: Mangochi and Nsanje
Project Duration: October 2020-November 2021
Project Summary: The project seeks prevent further HIV infections and reduce vulnerability of orphans and vulnerable children, caregivers and adolescent girls and young women.
4. Apart from implementing the mentioned projects, CAHECOM also oversees the provision of medical health services in a number of health institutions within the Diocese which are;
Montfort hospital at Nchalo
Misomali health center at Chapananga
Kalemba rural hospital at Bangula
Trinity Hospital at Muona
St Martins health center in Thyolo
St kalemba Community Hospital
Trinity college of nursing and Midwifery is the only health education institution in the diocese.
Diocesan health coordinator: Davie Chimwaza