Hospital and Prison apostolates
The apostolates help in ensuring that there is improved pastoral care for the sick and prisoners in hospitals and prisons within the diocese. Through visits, prayers and celebration of mass, these underserved members of the church receive accompaniment. Fr. Bzyakulima is the coordinator of these apostolates.
Pontifical Mission Society
A papal organization that was established to promote catechetical formation of children and foster the spirit of service in them whilst young. Fr Ignatio Yohane is the diocesan director
Liturgical desk
Liturgy is the life of the church and hence must be treated with utmost respect and dignity. This apostolate is responsible for that. The diocesan Director of Liturgy, Fr Boloma, gives direction and orientation on how liturgies on different occasions and seasons of the church must be celebrated.
Coordinator of Sacred Music
The main purpose of this desk is to make sure that all music sang in churches are in line with the teachings of the church. It above all ensures that these songs do not loose the catholic touch. In addition, it enhances coordination among all choirs while helping them to give people the proper disposition during liturgical celebrations. This apostolate is headed by Fr Martin Hanock.
Bible apostolate
This office coordinates church efforts in making the word of God accessible to many, and promotes the culture of reading the bible as a source of true wisdom and spiritual growth. Certainly, it helps people understand the word of God. Fr Jenezio Chisonga is the diocesan coordinator of this apostolate
All the movements and apostolates work under the coordination of the diocesan Pastoral coordinator who is Father Shadreck Malata.