Youths celebrate Vocations Sunday
Youths celebrate Vocations Sunday
Sunday 25th April 2021 was World Vocations Sunday; and the Catholic church worldwide held prayers for vocations in the church. Inline with Covid-19 containment rules, Mangochi diocese restricted the celebrations to individual parishes within its jurisdiction.
Drawn from the papal declaration, this year’s vocation Sunday has been celebrated under the theme “Called to service after the example of St Joseph”.
Celebrating the event, the diocesan youth chaplain, Fr John Lockie, interacted with youths from Changoima. In his homily, Fr Lockie urged the youth to be shepherds to another.
“Just as Jesus calls himself the good shepherd, we must all aim at being some good shepherds in our vocations. This means that our intentions in following a certain way of life must be purely to serve God in that life and not act as hired shepherds who don’t mind their duty but their dues”
said Fr Lockie.
Apart from learning about the significance of vacations this was also a chance for the chaplain to interact with the youths and hear out their challenges.
Decorated by motivation speeches and some spicing activities, the celebration also offered an opportunity to youths in the parishes to interact and help each other on how they can grow spiritually.
The vocation Sunday event was also held in other dioceses across the country. The national event was held in Dedza diocese.