Montfort Hospital
Montfort Hospital
Montfort hospital is a catholic hospital under the diocese of Mangochi situated at Nchalo in Mangochi 80 kilometres from Blantyre.
It was founded in 1973 as a part of the stratergy for reaching out to rural communities with good messages and loving care of Jesus Christ by providing a comprehensive package of health care service needs to the people around the hospital and beyond.
The hospital is now grown to a full referral hospital offering all the services including paediatrics ward, general ward, maternity ward, labor ward, theatre, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy and dental departments.
The hospital has a capacity of 122 beds.
The hospital has both outpatient and inpatient departments.
The hospital serves a catchment area with a population of around 180,000 people.
Mission Statement
To continue the healing ministry in the footsteps of Jesus Christ by healing quality, acceptable and equitable health services especially to the poor people.
Vision Statement
To be a safe and reliable hospital in providing health services in the southern region.
Montfort Hospital has a comprehensive governance structure comprising of Board of Directors which provides the overall policy direction of the organization and a management for the running of the day to day activities of the hospital.
The composition of the Management of Montfort Hospital is clear with key positions of the Medical Officer-In- Charge, the Principal Hospital Administrator, Principal Nursing Officer and the Accountant. The hospital key members of staff are qualified, knowledgeable and experienced in their area of work.
Note that there is a Health and Advisory Committee between the board and the Management comprising local leaders, business people and opinion leaders within the community.
The Legal propriety of the Hospital is Rt Rev. Peter Musikuwa, the Bishop of the Chiwawa Diocese of the Catholic Church.